Horticulture Therapy Gardening Presentation

Horticulture Therapy Gardening – accessible for all abilities

The Garden at Daggett Farm in Slater Park, Pawtucket has been a Master Gardener Project since 2000. Currently under the leadership of Dana Frederick, the team of MGs have gained the support of the City of Pawtucket in creating a garden of wide safe paths, raised beds of varying heights and plantings for the senses. They host families and groups of children and adults including those with both physical and intellectual challenges and would love to share their experiences with MGs working in settings where accessible gardening would be of great benefit such as schools, group homes, and senior living, but also the home garden.

A member of the team at the Garden at Daggett Farm, Anna McLaughlin has been a URI MG since 1983.  She recently retired as the Program Director/ Horticultural Therapist at Daggett Farm for the ARC of Blackstone Valley since 1999.  She also has experience with indoor plant care and design. She is an active member and past Board member of American Horticultural Therapy.  Anna walked attendees through the garden and pointed out features to consider.  Dana and her team of MGs were working in the garden and had much to offer - such as dealing with the resident woodchuck!  Daggett Farm, Slater Park, Pawtucket.


Flower Bouquet Making Event at the Garden at Daggett Farm


Fallon Field Day 2022